Robert Kiyosaki Twitter

Robert Kiyosaki, widely followed author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad,' deletes tweet after calling protesters 'losers' At least 15 people died in avalanches last week, the deadliest week of US avalanches. Apr 17, 2014 - “Robert Kiyosaki = #rich #dad #poor #dad #money #works #for #you ♡”. Release date Duration Title Guest(s) Summary; 4/7/2021. The Feds are Creating a Liquidity Tsunami. Guest(s): Richard Duncan Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Richard Duncan discuss the liquidity tsunami pouring into the market and what it means for asset prices in 2021.

© Ondrej Nemec/isifa/Getty Images PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - JUNE 17: U.S. businessman and writer Robert Toru Kiyosaki presents his book ' Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education ' on June 17, 2011, in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Ondrej Nemec/isifa/Getty Images)

Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.

Speed-posting on social media often allows us to see people’s unedited perspectives.

Many African Americans say a tweet by “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki, who has built a personal finance advice empire, was deeply offensive.

Kiyosaki’s June 12 Twitter post seemed to perpetuate racial stereotypes of Black Lives Matter protesters decrying the killing of George Floyd and other African Americans in police custody: “Why do we worship felons, losers, weirdos, and people without power or success? Why do we attack our police who protect us from these losers? Why do our gutless leaders kiss the losers asses? The police should take a month off. Let the losers and leaders kiss each other’s asses.'

Kiyosaki deleted the tweet after receiving an avalanche of criticism.

“Rich Dad Poor Dad to Racist Dad!,” a woman in California tweeted. “You made millions from those so called ‘losers.’ ‘Losers’ trying to change the trajectory of their lives by buying your books. I’m sick of racist opportunist[s] using people of color to profit but like every snake in the garden you will be exposed.”

Another Twitter user wrote, “FYI @theRealKiyosaki I was one of those ‘felons’ that bought your book. A lot of us did while in prison. Thanks for showing us your true colors. I’ll be sure to pass this information along!”


In case you needed proof that anti-blackness isn’t just a “white people” thing. FYI @theRealKiyosaki I was one of those “felons” that bought your book. A lot of us did while in prison. Thanks for showing us your true colors. I’ll be sure to pass this information along!

— Jay Jordan (@misterjayjordan) June 14, 2020

Kiyosaki, 73, co-founder of the Rich Dad Co., based in Scottsdale, Ariz., is best known for his book, which centers on his claim that a friend’s father, “one of the richest men in Hawaii,” taught him that the “lack of money is the root of all evil.” The “poor dad” of Kiyosaki’s narrative was his father, a college administrator.

Robert Kiyosaki Twitter

Kiyosaki has faced questions — including in a 2002 Slate article — about whether his “rich dad” was a real person. In a 2003 interview for SmartMoney magazine, when a reporter pressed Kiyosaki to confirm the existence of his wealthy mentor, the writer quoted him as saying, “Is Harry Potter real? Why don’t you let Rich Dad be a myth, like Harry Potter?”

Nicole Roach, who lives in Laurel, Md., said she paid $250 several years ago to attend a “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” session in New York. “At the end of the workshop, we were offered a mentorship as budding developers, but at a hefty price to the tune of thousands of dollars,” she said, adding that she felt pressured to sign up for additional seminars.

Roach, who saw Kiyosaki’s tweet before it was deleted, said she was offended by it. “He showed himself to have utter contempt for the plight and the enduring struggles of black Americans, without even implicitly mentioning race,” she said.

I reached out to Kiyosaki to give him an opportunity to explain the “loser” tweet.

“To be perfectly clear: this was not a racial comment,” his company replied in a prepared statement. “Unfortunately, some people have interpreted ‘losers’ from Robert’s tweet to mean all Black Lives Matter protesters and that was never Robert's intent.”

Kiyosaki was referring to rioters, looters and those who encourage violence, the statement said. It added: “The tweet was pulled because it quickly became obvious that what Robert intended to communicate had struck an emotional chord and triggered outrage among people he had never meant to offend.”

Related video: Experiencing racism adds up. 5 ways to cope

Experiencing racism adds up. Five ways to cope during protests of police violence

Kiyosaki or his company did not respond to other questions about his seminars or his biography.

Even if we believe Kiyosaki’s explanation of what he meant, he has written several other tweets that many Twitter users said they found racially offensive. There are dozens of tweets from African Americans criticizing Kiyosaki’s commentary as racist with many calling for a boycott of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” A petition was created, with a goal of 500 signatures. Two days after the online petition was posted, more than 200 people had signed it asking online booksellers to pull Kiyosaki’s books.

On June 10, Kiyosaki tweeted: “I do not know what to say. If I did know what to say I’d be afraid to say it. First Corona, then Gates vaccines, Fauci shuts businesses down, George Floyd BLM, mass looting, Antifa, and defund police. MOB rule reigns. Sick. What happened to our freedom of speech and our humanity?”

One tweet suggested there were multiple sides in the aftermath of Floyd’s death: “ALL COINS HAVE 3-SIDES: heads, tails, and the EDGE. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE stand on the EDGE and see both sides. On the left is George Floyd & BLM. On the right is Candace Owens. It is interesting listening to both sides. I wish George Floyd was alive so he could speak for himself.”

In another tweet, Kiyosaki wrote: “How to end inequality. Free college degress [his misspelling]. No test required. Free mansions. Free Ferrari’s. Free healthcare. All police fired. Fed prints trillions so shoppers can shop till they drop. Free food. End taxes. Shut Washington down. The Elites dream of utopia. My idea of Hell.”

Attiyya Atkins, a community activist in Pompano Beach, Fla., who started a nonprofit organization to help victims of gun violence, said she would no longer recommend “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” after the “loser” tweet.

“I felt like his statement was very stereotypical and is contributing to a hateful narrative,” Atkins said in an interview. “I don’t know if boycotting his book will create unity, but I know that I would rather put books and information in front of the people that I serve that better reflect them.”

Robert Kiyosaki Comments

There is a lot of hypocrisy in Kiyosaki’s tweets, said Alanna McCargo, a vice president for housing finance policy at the Urban Institute.

“That kind of speech and rhetoric continues to create the division that we’re seeing right now,” she said.

I was equally offended by the posts. Like so many others caught on camera or whose candid social media posts sparked backlash, Kiyosaki is trying to backpedal racist comments. He’s saying we shouldn’t take him at his unfiltered word. Now, that’s rich.

Robert Kiyosaki Tweet On Black Lives Matter

Michelle Singletary writes the nationally syndicated personal finance column The Color of Money. Her award-winning column is syndicated by The Washington Post Writers Group and is carried in dozens of newspapers nationwide.