The Remote Desktop Image Is Inaccessible Anydesk

AnyDesk can now be configured to accept no connection requests. Improved mouse behaviour when the cursor leaves the AnyDesk window while a mouse key is pressed. If the remote desktop becomes inaccessible due to insufficient rights, a message is displayed. The AnyDesk app for iOS boasts unparalleled performance and security features designed to provide a seamless and stable remote desktop for iPad Pro, iPad, and iPhone. High frame rates, low latency, and technology that optimizes bandwidth usage ensure a smooth workflow. Our unique DeskRT codec transfers image data in lightning-quick time. The AnyDesk app for desktop remote control on iOS. When confirmed, AnyDesk is elevated on the remote client and thus able to control applications running as administrator. In case the credentials have been submitted to the remote client as shown in the image to the right, the remote client has to confirm this operation. Thus, submitting credentials to the remote side cannot be done unattended. Seamless and Secure Remote Desktop Support with AnyDesk. When it comes to remote computer monitoring and support, fast and lag-free connections help you to get the job done quicker. AnyDesk’s innovative, cutting-edge software helps you to achieve seamless connections with. AnyDesk uses DeskRT to provide a considerably better image quality and responsiveness than competing screensharing and remote desktop products. DeskRT is a new and innovative video codec specifically designed for the transmission of image material from graphical user interfaces.

  • 1Special Settings
  • 2Settings in AnyDesk Client
  • 3Other Individual Settings

To Customize AnyDesk, there are many configuration options available. You can either override a setting (meaning there is no way to change it back within AnyDesk) or change the default setting which AnyDesk uses. For security-related features, always use override.

Note: To create older versions of AnyDesk use: _module=anydesk-VERSION.

For example: _module=anydesk-4.3.0

Special Settings

FeatureKey-value pair
Disable the entire Settingsad.ui.cfg_enabled=false
Disable User Interface settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_interface=false
Disable Security settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_security=false
Disable Privacy settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_privacy=false
Disable Display settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_video=false
Disable Audio settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_audio=false
Disable Connection settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_connection=false
Disable File Transfer settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_filetransfer=false
Disable Recording settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_recording=false
Disable VPN settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_vpn=false
Disable Wake-on-LAN settingsad.ui.cfg_enable_wol=false
Automatically register Aliasad.features.register_alias=true
Auto register Alias to namespacead.anynet.register.add_to_namespace=true
(For MSI files, please don't select 'Automatically register alias' with it)
Request elevation on startup (UAC)ad.features.auto_uac=true
Allow installationad.features.install=true
Disable Two-Factor-Authentication ad.features.two_factor_auth=false
Disable VPNad.features.vpn=false
Disable Wake-on-LANad.features.wol=false
Stop users from removing or overwriting the licensead.license.permissions=0

Address Book features

Disable Address Bookad.features.address_book=false
Choose the view type of Address Bookad.abook.view_type=0,1 (0:thumbnail; 1:list)
Add tags to the Address Book entriesad.anynet.register.roster_tags=<text>

Settings in AnyDesk Client

User Interface Settings

default language (see below)ad.ui.lang=en
Disable auto-select
Disable invitation E-Mail optionad.ui.show_invite=false
Show AnyDesk ID instead of Aliasad.ui.alias_or_id=true
Hide local task bar if AnyDesk window is maximizedad.ui.maximize_type=true
Disable comment on session closead.ui.comment_session=false
AnyDesk starts in the advanced viewad.roster.adv_view=true

Security Settings

Disable interactive
Disable unattended accessad.features.unattended=false
Forbid others to save login information for this
Override standard
Forbid remote users to (for unattended access/if they connect with password):
Hear my computer's sound
Control my computer's keyboard and
Access my computer's
Access my computer's clipboard to transfer
Lock my computer's keyboard and
Restart my
Use the file
Lock Desktop on session
Request system
Print out my documents on their
Draw on computer's
Create TCP
Enabled privacy
Show a coloured mouse pointer when physical input is
Access Control List:
Enable Access Control
Forbid remote users to (for interactive access):
Hear my computer's sound
Control my computer's keyboard and
Access my computer's
Access my computer's clipboard to transfer
Lock my computer's keyboard and
Restart my
Use the file
Request system
Print out my documents on their
Draw on computer's
Create TCP
Enabled privacy
Show a coloured mouse pointer when physical input is
Do not search local network for other AnyDesk clientsad.discovery.default_behavior=0
Exclude this device from discoveryad.discovery.hidden=true
IP address for multicast communicationad.discovery.multicast_ip=
Port number for multicast communicationad.discovery.multicast_port=50001
Number of UDP ports to use (starting from the port specified with ad.discovery.multicast_port)ad.discovery.port_range=3
Set Auto-Disconnect-Timeout in seconds (minimum 60 seconds)

Privacy Settings

Set the,2 (1:Account username,default; 2:Custom)
Set user,1 (0:Hide; 1:Account Image)
Desk Preview,1,3 (3:Deactivated; 1:Account's desktop wallpaper,default; 0:Screenshot)
Screenshot Pathad.privacy.scrshot.path_cfg=1,2 (1:Automatically, default; 2:Custom)
Set the custom screenshot pathad.privacy.scrshot.path=<path>
Chat Log,1,2 (0:Disabled; 1:Default path,default; 2:Custom path)
Set custom log<path>

Display settings

Select Display Quality optionsad.image.quality_preset=0,1,2(0:Best Quality, 1:Balanced, 2:Optimize reaction time)
Show remote cursorad.image.show_remote_cursor=true
Show move/size helperad.image.move_size_hlp=true
Disable hotkeys transmissionad.image.suppress_keys=false
Choose view modead.image.viewmode=0,1,2 (0:Original, 1:Shrink, 2:Stretch)
Start new sessions in fullscreen modead.image.insta_fullscreen=true
Use edge scrolling in original view modead.image.edge_scroll=true
Choose render modead.image.rendermode=0,1,2,3 (0:Disable, 1:DirectDraw, 2:Direct3D, or 3:OpenGL)
Do not save settings between program startsad.session.remember_settings=false

Audio Settings

Anydesk Remote Desktop Software

Audio Transmission,1,2,3 (0:Disable; 1:Standard,default; 2:Transmit audio output; 3:Specify)
Audio Output,1,3 (0:Disable; 1:Standard,default; 3: Specify)
Exclusive audio

Connection Settings

Anydesk Remote Desktop

Disable direct
Set the listening portad.anynet.listen_port=<port number> (0 is default)

The Remote Desktop Image Is Inaccessible Anydesk Download

Recording Settings

Start session recording when a session starts (For non-Windows clients and Windows clients older than AnyDesk 6.1.0)ad.recording.auto_start=true
Start session recording when an incoming session starts while in logged out (AnyDesk for Windows 6.1.0 and newer only)ad.recording.auto_start.incoming.admin=1
Start session recording when an incoming session starts while logged in (AnyDesk for Windows 6.1.0 and newer only)ad.recording.auto_start.incoming=1
Start session recording when an outgoing session starts (AnyDesk for Windows 6.1.0 and newer only)ad.recording.auto_start.outgoing=1
Forbid connecting client from starting a session
Set custom recording pathad.recording.path_cfg=2

Other Individual Settings

Position and size of the window

Start AnyDesk with maximized windowad.ui.main_win.max=true
Set horizontal position of left window border on screenad.ui.main_win.x=<pixels>
Set vertical position of top window border on screenad.ui.main_win.y=<pixels>
Set window width in pixels (min:900)ad.ui.main_win.width=<pixels>
Set window height in pixels (min:720)ad.ui.main_win.height=<pixels>

Disclaimer settings

Anydesk remote desktop
Edit title of the disclaimerad.ui.disclaimer.title=<text>
Edit text of the disclaimerad.ui.disclaimer.text=<text>
Edit accept button of the disclaimerad.ui.disclaimer.accept=<text>
Edit cancel button of the disclaimerad.ui.disclaimer.cancel=<text>
Set color for the disclaimer title & textad.ui.disclaimer.text.color=<HTML color code>
Set color for the disclaimer<HTML color code>

Layout settings

Change name for 'This Desk'ad.ui.id_group.title=<text>
Replace the information under “This Desk”ad.ui.id_group.text=<text>
Change name for “Remote Desk”ad.ui.connect_group.title=<text>
Replace the information under “Remote Desk”ad.ui.connect_group.text=<text>

Anydesk Remote Desktop Application

Language Codes

AnyDesk supports the following languages: (ISO-Codes)

The Fast Remote Desktop Application Anydesk

The Remote Desktop Image Is Inaccessible Anydesk
Englishen Spanishes Dutchnl Romanianro
Ukrainianuk Czechcs Frenchfr Norwegianno
Slovaksk Japaneseja Danishda Croatianhr
Polishpl Finnishfi Simplified Chinesezh Germande
Italianit Portuguese (Brazil)pt-br Swedishsv Traditional Chinesezh-cl
Estonianet Hungarianhu Portuguesept Turkishtr
Koreanko GreekelRussianruBulgarianbg