Sophos Management

Sophos Advisors

  • Over 25 years
    of combined industry experience
  • 230 million USD
    of accumulated premium
  • 750 million
    of total coverage placed

Sophos Management Appliance

Sophós Advisors is an independent consulting firm specialized in risk management and international insurance as a tool within a wealth and estate planning context. We advise high net worth families and businesses on how to use diverse risk management tools to achieve different planning objectives, with particular expertise in life insurance solutions as a wealth transfer planning tool and captive insurance program set up and management.

Because each family and business group has different needs and lives through different challenges, our bespoke insurance products and programs are best-in-class and are issued from multiple jurisdictions, each with its own specific characteristics and benefits.

Sophos Management Port

XG Management Helper Created By: Alan Toews ( Created April 30, 2020 Version XG Management Helper is a tool to automate several administrative XG Firewall tasks Basics The source code is provided for your inspection. It is built in Visual Studio 2019, on.NET Framework 4.7.2. Sophos Central is the unified console for managing all your Sophos products. Sign into your account, take a tour, or start a trial from here.